Odor stories

Have you ever wanted to shine in society? Bringing out anecdotes each crazier than the next? Facts so incredible that half of the guests will instantly choke on their spoonfuls of peas.
I am the only one ? Too bad, here are some anecdotes about the world of smells that will make your audience say “Ah good? No ! Not possible. Let me check on Google. But yeah, that sounds real. Sorry for doubting you. It's not going too well at work at the moment. With all this pressure, I come to distrust everything. »

The smells of friends.
Did you know that having similar body odor predicts immediate friendship with 71% accuracy? After all, don't we say that like attracts like?
Metal of smell
The metal does not release gas (we will put mercury aside), it cannot smell anything! This particular smell that you smell on your fingers when you touch a coin, for example, is a chemical interaction between the enzymes in your skin and the metal. Next time, do the test by feeling a coin without touching it.
The virus of love.
Scientists have discovered the origin of the particular smell of roses. It would be due to a virus. Millions of years ago, he would have attacked a wild rosehip, ancestor of today's roses, and turned his genes upside down. It would be the strong duplication of one of these upset genes which would have, over the generations, accentuated the production of geraniol, the main element of the smell of roses.
Space BBQ
Do you know what space smells like? Here is an excerpt from the testimony of an astronaut: “This mysterious scent sparks lively and playful debate among astronauts. We talk about overcooked steak, hot metal, welding fumes and barbecue, among others (…) I found this smell rather pleasant, it reminded me a little of the barbecue of a British summer, with the burnt sausages on a charcoal grill…”. For some scientists, this odor is due to dying stars which release odorous compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as they collapse. Both poetic and gloomy.
The nose of storks.
Unlike other birds generally considered to be not very sensitive to odors, German researchers have shown that the stork is sensitive to odors. She would be able to recognize the scent of freshly cut grass to define an area where insects and small rodents would be exposed.
Minesweeping Cricket
American researchers have tested the ability of locusts to detect the smell of explosives and to locate the origin of these fumes. The results are promising, and make it possible to envisage the use of these insects on demining sites in the future.
Drop me this perfume
We have olfactory receptors in the mouth. American researchers have succeeded for the first time in detecting within the taste buds of the tongue receptors identical to those which make it possible to apprehend odours. This discovery reinforces a little more the link between taste and smell.
sea trash
The smell of plastic debris in the sea, colonized by bacteria and algae, leads fish to confuse them with their food and ingest them, introducing them into the food chain.
If you like these anecdotes, do not hesitate to tell us, we will be delighted to continue to share our knowledge of the world of smells and perfumes. With VIOLET, culture has never smelled so good.