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Angélique Plantation


Plantation of angelica
Hello there, apprentice horticulturist.

If you are reading this article, it could mean two things. Either you stumbled upon this by chance, or you are looking to grow the Angelica seeds you received with your CYCLE 001 (for shipments to the European Union). Either way, welcome!

Angelica is called archangelica or angel weed. Once mature, this medicinal plant will last two to three years before you need to sow new seeds. It is therefore a perennial plant.
Know that angelica is “normally” easy to grow, so no excuses!
Even if mine hasn't taken yet, I have no right to despair. You will soon be able to follow its evolution, if there is one, on our instagram: @violet.parfums.

Two scenarios: Either you have one (1) balcony/window sill, or you have (2) a garden. Refer to the appropriate paragraph.

(1) The balcony/window sill. That's my case.

potted plant To maximize the chances of success, get a pot or a balcony planter (for the fanciest among us) and store it outside, in the sun or partial shade.
1. Sow, about one centimeter deep, the small pinch of seeds provided by us, then cover it with soil. Be sure to fill your pot with rich, fertile soil to compensate for the lack of space.
2. Water occasionally and lightly, only when the soil begins to dry out.
3. Were you familiar with the term "thinning" in gardening? Me no. So I share this discovery with you. When the seeds have germinated, and the young seedlings have provided leaves, thinning consists of eliminating the weakest shoots to leave the space necessary for the development of the most robust and long-lived seedlings. This is exactly what you should do with your angelica when its seedlings have reached about 10cm in height!
4.To promote the development of the plant, add a handful of vermicompost to the pot. If you don't have a vermicomposter (really?) You can buy it in a bag for around 4 euros per kilo. Yes, I can already see our rural friends strangling themselves in the face of such a solution, but hey, we compose with the weapons at our disposal.
5. As Voltaire said: "We must cultivate our garden" he should have added "and watch his angelica grow"

(2) The garden. Lucky

angelic gardening The best months for planting are: March, April, May, August and September.
Plant the angelica in the sun or in partial shade, in cool, even moist and deep soil. She will like in a corner of the vegetable garden or in a bed.
To sow, follow these steps:

Soak the root ball in a basin of water.
Make a hole 3 times the volume of the root ball, allowing 1 m distance from neighboring plants.
Put the angelica in place.
Backfill with compost mixed with the original soil.
Tamp, water, mulch.

Paul from the VIOLET team